This is Ed's description of the home movies below: You'll see the tank companies on
the hill across from the MP company. I am pretty sure that the village in the films was Yon-Mokel which was just outside of
gate 2 as Taejoni was just outside gate one near the bridge. The bridge in the film was washed away during either July or
August 1965 during a nasty monsoon in which I had patroled to Camp Kaiser that morning during the beginning of the storm and
was stuck at Camp Kaiser for five days as all the roads between Camp Kaiser and Camp Beavers were washed out. Also that helicopter
in the film crashed at the bridge shortly after I took that video of it and I responded to the scene of the crash but luckily
they had been hovering beside the bridge doing an inspection of it when the chopper lost power so the pilot and his passenger
were only slightly hurt. Weird how that happened just after I filmed it.